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Bankruptcy risk visualizations and explanations

The image below displays a sample of all Danish companies by representing each company with a small colored dot indicating a specific level of credit risk. Companies are distributed with respect to overall profitability and solidity measured by ROA and Equity ratio respectively, with higher values towards the top-right indicating stronger financial health and lower values towards the bot-left indicating weaker financial health. Companies exhibiting the highest credit risk are indicated by a red dot, while companies with the lowest credit risk are represented by a dark green dot. Typically, the red dots are located on the bot-left corner and the green dots on the top-right.

The company in question is highlighted with a blue marker to visualize its financial position in terms of profitability and solidity. A company’s credit risk can differ significantly from other companies in the same area of the graph. Text above the image will provide a detailed explanation for any possible deviations and its underlying reasons to the best extent possible. Alternatively, the text may also indicate that the company is categorized as a “typical” case, meaning its credit risk aligns with the credit risk of other companies with similar financial position.

ROA %: 1.5%
Equity ratio %: 89.8%
Bankruptcy risk: 0.831%
Permille rank: 90.7% = Top 20%

Bankruptcy risk explanation

DM HOLDING 2006 ApS has a credit rating of AA and it belongs to the the top 20 % of companies in terms of its bankruptcy risk. This is a typical rating for companies with similar levels of profitability and solidity. Below you will find a more detailed explanation of the company and its credit risk.

As you can see from the accompanying graph, DM HOLDING 2006 ApS has achieved modest profitability but maintains an excellent level of solidity. For instance, in 2022, the company recorded a ROA-% of 1.5 % and had an impressive equity ratio of 89.8 %. Yet, while the ROA is positive, the company is not actually making a profit as the net earnings were negative (-642.5 kDKK). The gross profit for 2022 was 1048.2 kDKK, reflecting a growth of 27 % compared to the previous year. Additionally, as indicated by an outstanding quick ratio of 12.64 at the end of 2022, the company possesses enough liquid assets to overcome any near-term challenges.

Furthermore, the company operates within an industry that has a higher than average credit risk. Considering these factors, among others, our credit risk model has assessed that the company bears a very low bankruptcy risk of 0.831 %, which corresponds to a credit score of 90.7 (excellent).